Natalie rocks the summertime patio reading vibe in this installment of
The Reading Lamp. I'm all about the light summertime reading too, so can't make fun of her reading choice (plus she asked me not to. I take it her asking means I'm not very good at hiding my righteous dislike of certain books? I'd say I have to work on it but then where would this blog be?). Not that I've read any of the
Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency books anyway - but anything with "Ladies" in the title makes me want to scoff and titter, just a tiny little bit.
Your name: Natalie
What are you reading now? The Miracle at Speedy Motors by Alexander McCall Smith.
Where are you reading it? Anywhere I possibly can.
How did you discover this book? It’s the latest in the Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency Series, which is this incredibly addictive series about a detective agency in Botswana, but oh so much more. It’s light summer reading, but somehow intoxicating, and the characters are very real.

What would your ideal desert island book be? If we’re speaking in ideals here, I would have gotten marooned in early 2001, so it would be Harry Potter 4, while there was still much more to come.
What writer do you think should be zapped out of history/existence and their works therefore never written? Dr. Phil - and I’ve actually read one! (It was a moment of low self esteem.) His writing “voice” is as annoying as his speaking voice.
Favourite childhood book? Watership Down, and it’s still one of my favourites.
Do you have any reading superstitions? If so, what are they and have they ever been proven to be correct? Oh, for sure. I use certain bookmarks for certain books. General fiction books have to be marked by generic items like bus transfers and receipts, but something I have been anticipating gets an actual bookmark. I also won’t dog-ear pages or write in books, for fear of eternal damnation.
What's the most embarrassing book you've ever received as a gift? Did you read it? I once received a book as a contribution for a yard sale about pleasing your man in bed. Needless to say it didn’t go into the sale, but has since been passed along several times.
Favourite book-related website (besides www.bookphilia.com, of course)? The Toronto Public Library (www.torontopubliclibrary.ca). Often I will go back and forth while searching through those big-box online stores for related titles, and then just reserve them at the library. Torontonians should be very grateful for this resource of free books and movies we have at our fingertips – it’s really quite amazing.
Who do you talk to about books? My friends and neighbours in Kensington Market. I’m lucky enough to work right next to This Ain’t the Rosedale Library!
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