Sunday 22 February 2009

Yesterday I declined an invitation to see myself naked

You would think, based on the hilarious quotation from this book which is standing in for a proper post title here, that Jon Stewart's Naked Pictures of Famous People is hilarious. I would think so too, if all I had to go on was said quotation, which is funny regardless of context.

Friends, you'd be wrong. I laughed out loud when I read the line "Yesterday I declined an invitation to see myself naked." But that was the only time I actually laughed while reading this book! I chuckled a few times as well, but very quietly and without much energy. Most of the time, reading Naked Pictures of Famous People just made me bored.

I'm still in shock and a little bit of despair over this one. How could Jon Stewart, one of my most favourite funny guys in the world, write this mush? How is it possible? That guy lives and breathes funny now - I thought this would be a sure thing.

Jon, I feel let down. I don't know if we can date anymore. I'm sorry - you just don't seem to be the man I thought you were. My girlfriends keep telling me to give you another chance, that you're rich and have a full head of hair, which isn't something that can be counted on with a man your age - and there is a copy of America lying around here - but I just don't know if I can open myself up to being hurt that way again. You understand; I've just had my heart broken too many times before. Maybe when I've healed a little bit...


Anonymous said...

Sorry the book was a let down. It happens to me from time to time too.

Wanted to stop in and welcome you to the Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge. If you haven't already, feel free to join us at the Yahoo Groups where others are participating in this challenge as well as others.

Also, the links to post your reviews are up in the right sidebar at J. Kaye’s Book Blog.

raych said...

*dies a little inside*