I got an email last night about this cool feature TIME.com does - they get famous people to agree to answer ten questions for them, but all the questions come from the reading public. This week's subject is Haruki Murakami and he'll apparently read through the questions himself and then answer the 10 he likes best.
So far, there are about 40 questions on the website and some are bad, some are okay, and some are quite intriguing. I would like to ask a question about how fame has changed what he writes and how his editor approaches his work (which is the work of the uber-famous, at least in fiction writing terms) but haven't yet found a way to do so without sounding combative. I do slag him for being the inspiration behind my naming of the Haruki Murakami Syndrome, but I really would like to get a real answer to that question.
Here's the link if you want to ask a question: http://time-blog.com/10questions/novelist-haruki-murakami/
And here are the submissions so far that I personally hope Murakami will address:
1) What brand of sneaker do you prefer to run in, and how often do you replace your running shoes?
2) I have never read any of your books but if you could only choose one for me to read, which one would it be?
3) What is the one book by another author that you wish you had written?
4) When you write, do you have an audience in mind? Or do you simply write the story that’s in you, for you?
5) When you write, do your ideas develop like images on a reel of film?
Alright, I need to get back to my convalescing. And my zombie book. BRAAAAINNNS!!!!
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