My mamma always tole me that heavy metal music were the work of Saytan hisself. This is proved to be true by the red, devlish eyes of the misguided young laydee reading Slash's book. Lor' save her fragile soul. Books ain't so good either - they puts ideas into people's heads, dange'rous ideas.
Your name: Erin Ball
What are you reading now? Slash by Slash.
Where are you reading it? Mostly in bed and on the bus.
I saw the book, realized I had nothing to read for the bus ride home, and with a bit of coaxing from my friend, bought it. I didn't even know that Slash had written a book.

What's your favourite either unknown or underappreciated book? The most recent favourite would have to be Girl Bomb by Janice Erlbaum. Great story about her wild youth.
Favourite childhood book? The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.
I used to have a crush on Slash. (sigh) Loved the bad boys.
Me too, though not this particular bad boy I have to admit. I liked Johnny Depp when he was into smashing up hotel rooms.
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